LIUNA and our partner employers have, for decades, met the workforce development needs of the construction industry through a self-funded training infrastructure and Registered Apprenticeship programs. 

State-of-the-art training is at no charge and accessible to participating contractors, members, apprentices and pre-apprentices across the U.S. and Canada through over 70 affiliated training centers. Continual, life-long career training opportunities allows workers to upgrade employability skills, move to leadership positions, update safety knowledge, and increase productivity all with the goal of expanding career paths, living wages, and contractor competitiveness.


Training for LIUNA Leaders of construction Locals is administered through LIUNA’s Education Department and is offered to elected officials and those who represent LIUNA’s construction trades Locals.

The United Association for Labor Education (UALE) provides union leaders and members with additional information on various educational institutions that offer labor degree and certificate programs, such as the Cornell Labor Studies Program, and the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education.

The University of Massachusetts Amherst offers two Master’s degree programs in Labor Studies. They include both a traditional graduate program for young activists and a limited-residency program for union leaders and activists already working in the labor movement.